Thursday, July 7, 2011

Surf's up

Surfs Up
Kate reports:

On the 28th of July a year 7 girl called Caitlin breaks world record.

She has been surfing since she was only 7 years old and she has become a professional surfer in only 4 years. She travels all over the world to places with the biggest waves like Hawaii.

Caitlin said:
“I was surfing back to shore when I saw
a fin. I was petrified I could feel razor sharp teeth digging
into my leg, at least I won’’

She was at Fitzroy beach when the disaster struck, she was heading back to shore with 100 eyes on her watching her every move, after surfing her record breaking wave. The shark came and bit her right leg off ending her future surfing dreams.

Two lifeguards raced in and called an ambulance they ran and collected her. They rushed her to hospital and called her parents who were holidaying in Fiji.

They booked the next plane to New Zealand and came and took her home to their house in Dunedin where Caitlin could spend time with her parents.

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