Key Competency Awards

  • Taking a Responsible Risk 
18 February -Jordyn -for showing bravery and getting into the deep dive pool successfully.
  • Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
  18 February - Zian - you communicated a wonderful thank to Chris at the Art gallery  on behalf of room 11. I liked the way you included different aspects of our visit.

  • Remaining Open to Continuous Learning  
18 February-Hunter- for completing two challenges at home. Your instructions for traffic lights are accurate. 


Jack - Taking responsible risks – Great to see you trying so
hard to do what the swimming instructors ask you.

Taylor- - Persevering and persisting. Well done on improving your
freestyle. You have listened hard and I am very impressed with your style.

Amiee- -Taking a responsible risk and striving for accuracy. Great to see you doing new things like swinging from the Tarzan rope. You impress me with your ‘Get up and go’ attitude.

18.03 Fantastic organizing and commitment when completing responsibilities. Well done on your computer organization. Great how you help others on the computer.

Caitlin  -
18.03 Thanking you for thinking interdependently and continuing to swim in the house relay to help the team out. We all appreciate your consideration for others.

Finlay B -
18.03 Fantastic organizing and commitment when completing responsibilities. Well done on your computer organization and commitment to the bins you empty daily for the staff.

01.04.11 Listening with understanding and Empathy

Roneta - you have a strength in knowing where to be and how to help others. Many adults on camp ( And I always notice too)commented on
how you frequently did little and BIG things to help others - no fuss, no bother. Thank you for that. I also admired your willingness to participate and contribute on camp. I heard the positive comments you made that also encouraged others. You always look on the bright side of things.
Riley  -
 I admired your perseverance when eeling on camp. 
Not only did you persevere with the eel but using your 
own eeling rod with bait and no hook. 
You strived for accuracy and were intent on pulling a 
big one out. What a pity it got back in each time.
 I loved your common sense on camp and the ease with
 which you managed all the activities and camp life.

Thinking and Communicating with clarity and precision

Jake - I was impressed with you in our last reading 
session where you shared your knowledge on 
racing midget cars within your reading group.
Your explanations were clear and you showed patience 
when I needed further clarification around the topic.

15.04.11  Finlay M - Applying Past Knowledge to 
New Situations – Finlay thanks for using your skills 
in animoto in the class. I amimpressed with how you 
remember new skills and build on these within your

Kenzie - Thinking Interdependently 
Thank you for a great term! Enjoy your travels and 
we will look forward to hearing from you via email,
your blog or skype! Thank you for working so well 
with others this term.

15.04.11 Persistence/Striving for accuracy. Taylor I 
have been impressed with your persistence in catching 
up with your learning tasks. Each morning you have 
come in to continue on activities. Impressive! 
Keep it up!
27.05 –
Caleb for Persistence  - outstanding 
goalie within the football soccer 
team at Woodleigh on Wednesday 25

Liam: Questioning and posing problems 
- For coming up with interesting
 and good questions within his learning

William Hadley - Creating, imagining, 
Using figurative language within his 
writing to add to the appeal of his 
writing for his audience
Ben Frewin

10.06 Impressive
mathematical knowledge when explaining your thinking when 
solving problems 
Talia Cardie
Well done Talia for persisting with your home learning. You have set yourself goals and are striving to achieve them.
Amy Thinking Interdependently Amy, you were an outstanding helper in the library. I was impressed with your knowledge of books and your ability to recommend books to different people. Later that day I found you gardening working together with this group. Thank you 
24 .06.11
 For her wonderful enthusiasm for her learning, her ability to explain her thinking and her reasoning behind her thoughts. Kacia Growcott
Persevering and Persisting and a wonderful sense of humour.
Kacia, you are a great role model to others with your superb listening skills, your perseverance with your work and your ability to wok interdependently.
Thank you
Kate Atkinson
Persevering and Persisting and a wonderful sense of humour.
Kacia, you are a great role model to others with your superb listening skills, your perseverance with your work and your ability to work interdependently. 
Thank you 15.07.11
Being open to continuous learning _ Emily you are a quiet worker who demonstrates extremely good understanding of ideas. I was impressed with the understanding of the ideas Mrs Olsen-Hendersen shared with us.    
Barnaby Kelly
  –  Flexible thinking -You are supportive with your ideas within the class learning always sharing your well thought out ideas.    
Sara Holland A quiet worker who when she knows what to do can work interdependently or with others interdependently. A capable worker. 

Flexible Thinking

Aimee Ansley

Aimee I am very impressed with your strategy you are using to solve times
problems like 4 x 16 =
 You use the animal strips well to help you.

Finlay Boulter
Striving for accuracy
FInlay your recent reading STAR test showed a wonderful improvement – keep
up all the reading you are doing

Harry Newman
Persisting and persevering
Your logo, slogan and business name poster represent quality work. I
admired your perseverance and careful planned approach.

Ceilidh Russell
Persisting and persevering
I am impressed with the way you mange your product making. You are so careful to ensure quality with your lovely paintings for your pen holders. I bet lots of people are going to want to buy them.

Jake Furze Persisting and persevering
Thank you Jake for your persistence in ensuring the National Library books were checked off accurately. I am always impressed with the way you undertake jbs and learning tasks ensuring they are completely finished and done well.

Emily Hutching-Gough

Working Interdependently
Well done for your little skit you performed with the new product at farmers scenario. You were a wonderful actor

Jordyn Gifford

Persisting and persevering, listening with empathy and understanding, humour Jordyn, you continue to impress me with your wonderful attitude towards your learning. You work hard, persevere to be accurate, you are a great friend and class member, we even use your book for others to see a good example of neat presentation. Thank you for being in room 11
    26.08.11 - From Mrs Cribb when Mrs McA was away
Roneta Participating and Contributing
What a reliable Production Secretary you are. It is great to have someone
to rely on to note down my instructions and help keep our production on
track. Who knows what 'doors' (panto or otherwise) this could open for

Managing Self
You are working hard and showing great flexibility by switching seamlessly
from hiccupping to sneezing!!! As we construct our moves your humour and
ability to fit in with others is noticed and appreciated. Keep working on
your script :)

Zian Using Language , symbols and text Texts and Symbols
You are making sense of your character effectively and are striving for
accuracy with your voice and actions. It is difficult to maintain a
'female' voice and you are experimenting and trusting instructions given
by your director. Keep striving to be the best ugly sister that you can
be. I can't WAIT!!!!!!
Participating and Contributing 
Finlay B
Your help with the younger children at cross country was fantastic. 
You knew just the right words to encourage tired runners as they came past you. 
Your empathy and understanding was noticed by many. Well done

Using Language and Texts

Liam , you used ActivInspire really well to present your Logo, slogan, picture 
of your product and name of your business. Very good visual effects.

 Harry I was very impressed with your questions you wrote for our Inquiry words. 
You a very good at making your question specific for a certain answer. 
Relating to others

You lead your team in using Umajin to create an advertisement for your
scarves. Well done in you perseverance with the whole project - the song
is perfect.

Amy Morris
Relating to others and managing self
Amy you continue to demonstrate empathy and understanding
 in the class -
your manners and approach always reflect wonderful manners and
consideration for others. You always offer your assistance in 
many different ways , from putting books away to filming your 
groups part again that I lost!! You try hard in all your learning. 
You continue to display a wonderful work ethic. Thank you

Using language , symbols and texts
Well done with persevering with your learning goals - at this rate you
will have your times tables mastered by the end of the year OR sooner!!

Using language, symbols and texts
Hunter, I have been impressed with your quick understanding
of the maths concepts we have been working with within 
multiplication and division. You continue to display a great 
attitude. Well done
16 .09
Managing Self
Caitlin , you continue to impress me with the way you manage 
your learning tasks. You follow instructions well and set to 
your tasks determined to complete all to the best of your ability. Your great work ethic is a model for others to follow.

Participating and Contributing
Talia , I have really appreciated your contributions and sensible
 suggestions for our dance. You are always willing to help out 
where you see a need. I can rely on you to get the job or task 
done. Thank you

Using language symbols and text
I have admired your willingness to rework your newspaper 
article to have your ideas flow more logically. You are always 
open to new learning and continue to demonstrate that 
'can do attitude.'

Using language, Symbols and Text, Participating and 
Arron you impress me with your knowledge of computers 
– you made your tables to show your data from your survey.
 Thank you also for your contributions to our class games 
– great skills and fair play 
Using Language Symbols and text
Great use of excel to create your graphs, flexible thinking with 
your bookmarks and use of your survey to determine the pictures you include.

Using Language, Symbols and Text
I really enjoyed your Newspaper article on your Teddy Bear 
Product. I was pleased with your
 paragraphing and the content of your writing.

Using Language, Symbols and Text, Relating to others
Great to see you helping others with their Stem and Leaf graph. 
Caitlin B
Managing Self and Relating to Others
Outstanding contributions in your class dance, as a contributor with your singing and YOUR amazing thoughtfulness and initiative as you helped younger children take their seats - you reassured them and reminded them unobtrusively about being quiet or to join in the singing. You demonstrated understanding and patience  all the time doing a great job your self continually 
looked to help manage others round you.
Managing Self
I am impressed with your continued support in
all we do in the class. You play games supporting your team and always exhibit
fiair play. You do your best in your learning tasks and will take advice to
make any improvements you can.
Emily, Sara and Ceildh

Using Language, Symbols and Texts
Fanatastic humour and audience appeal in your advertisement for your product. Your bloopers appeal to all audiences.
28.10.11 Using Language , Symbols and Texts Taylor  I have enjoyed reading your Panto writing so far – your descriptions are amusing and I was impressed with your identification of where to put a new paragraph. Well done. Mrs McA 28.10.11 Using Language , Symbols and Texts Great knowledge of words and their meanings. Barnaby you are becoming another dictionary in room 11 with your knowledge of words and their meanings – I think it must be because of all that reading you do. You impress me with your love of books and how you can so easily select books for yourself. Mrs McA Managing Self 28.10 Riley Davison– you have made an excellent start to the term. You have been focused in class and with completeing your learning tasks and very considerate of others. I was pleased with your understanding you showed when we were looking at adding fractions with different denominators. Managing Self 28.10 Finlay B Finlay thank you for taking a leadership role in class. You have been completing the learning tasks asked of you, contributing to class discussions and managing your impulsion well. Keep this up.  
Finlay McGrath 18.11.11
Using Language , symbols and texts – I enjoyed listening to your RAT
conversation.  It is also great to see you working through your new maths
learning with such perseverance.

William Hadley
Managing Self/ Using Language, symbols and texts
Great perseverance in Badminton. Also lovely expression and performance
when you read your RAT conversation

Using Language,symbols and texts.

Kate, Fantastic time management, presentation and information presented in
your sorting out biking activity. It is also a great example for others.

Fantastic results in your reading and mathematics testing lately.
The hard working attitude and focus on your learning tasks. continues to
impress me

17.11.11 Participating and Contributing/Managing Self
Talia – impressive badminton skills, I have noticed your empathy towards
others  - you are sensitive to the needs of others and it has been
wonderful how you can work interdependently.