Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank Yous produced by Harry and Jake

We were in small groups and had to come up with ways to thank our parents who came to help us on our Te Wera camp. We had to think of all the ways people thank others in real life - then we planned, and carried out our thank yous. It was a good activity to help us develop our key competencies, thinking, relating to others, using language symbols and text, participating and contributing.

Thank you to all our parents!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

How Can we make money? green hat thinking

Story of Predator 6 may

On Friday the 6th of may room 11 played PREDATOR in the Frankley school bush.It was a fun experience to have & room 11 enjoyed it.It was superb to have it on a school day & we think we have the coolest teacher in the world to be able to do that,but of course we deserve it us wonderful children.The characters in the game were...........2 rats 3 ducks 3 kiwis 3 rabbits those ones were the first to go in & they had 8 lives the next to go in were............2 cats 2 pigs & 2 stoats & they went in second & they had 4 lives next went in were..............2 goats & 2 deer they also had 4 lives then........................ mans best friend came in 2 dogs ......................THEN!! 2 elements came in Rabies & Floods & then FINALLY who nobody can kill who everyone is frightened of the ULTIMATE one of all the one who created guns the frightening,terrible MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the 10 minutes was up man went out then the survivors were called SURVIVOR PHOTO SAY CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE ............................cheeeese! we've all had a great time apart from Amy & Emily getting stung by bees it was super duper double trooper FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & we all hope we can do it again bye Hunter & Phoebe.

room11's game of predator

I was so excited about predator. When the bell rang for the end of morning tea I ran back to class excited.
Finally we were out by the bush ready to play. Then Mrs McA told the green bibs to go into the bush, find the food and water stations and then hide.
When Kacia and I had found two food stations and one water station we were running off to find another station. Kacia was a little further ahead of me and I was running up the hill when...............
A bee flew straight at my head and stung me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bee was caught in my hair I yanked and pulled at my hair and then the bee fell to the ground.
I called out for Kacia then I saw her all the way down the hill.I ran all the way down the hill to tell Kacia what had happened.
After that she took me out of the bush to get help.
Leah took me to the office to ring my Mum.

Playing Predator 6 May- Photos of The survivors and MAN