Join this pilot scheme to find mathematical activities to help room 11 children.
For those of you who know all your essential spelling words try this site -
Click on find a list
click on list 1 and experiment with the different activities.
Let me know if you have a go at this.
Home Learning - Te Rangatahi
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Home Learning – Te Rangatahi Team
Dear Parents/Guardians

Home Learning opportunities are available with guidelines from school within your child’s home learning exercise book. This book should come to and from school daily.
Within this book there are guidelines for spelling, reading and mathematics and other optional activities. Each of these areas will be touched on briefly.
Students will have a list of the essential words they spelt incorrectly earlier on in the year.
They need to focus on a group of these words each week. Students could form a focus list at home to master.
Learning words:
· Learning other words with a similar chunk or similar patterns i.e. if the word is quickly, talk about qu words, the ly suffix or other synonyms for quickly
· We suggest children underline the part of the word that they are finding tricky (Some teachers call this the hard spot) i.e. quickly
· If your child has mastered the essential lists their teacher will build words from their writing or from class or spelling studies into their word lists. There are also other suggestions for their students to do within their home learning book.
· Suggest students read most nights for a period of ten to 30 minutes.
· Most year 4/5/6 students should be encouraged to read silently for recreation. choosing books from the library or from a book from home that they are reading each night until finished.
· Challenged readers may be given a text from school to read
· Our school library is open most lunchtimes
· The town library is another good source and the Librarians are always available to help with the selection of texts.
· Read a cool book to your child
Encourage children to bring their book to and from school if they wish to. (Who likes to put a good book down)


This may include:
· A practice sheet given by the classroom teacher
· A page from their Dragon Maths book (If they purchased one)
· Games from our Home learning box at school – please ask your child to bring home or come in and choose with your child.
Set goals for their next basic facts stage

We would like you to reflect on their child’s learning with them. You may choose to mark/tick correct work. If you notice an area of difficulty your child is having you may wish to pop in and discuss this further with your child’s class teacher.
There are optional activities within the home learning book for those children who would like a little more.
Feed back
While we would encourage you to reflect with their child on their learning at home teachers will share learning within the class and sometimes make comments on completed activities. We will not formally mark this work.
For families where a more regular approach is needed for home learning have a look at the timetable below. You could make this up with your child on a Monday. It could vary slightly depending on commitments and learning choices.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
Choose 8 spelling words and write then into a list. Get Mum/Dad to check them and add any others in. Choose a times table to write out and start learning. Read for 15 minutes and write my reading into my home learning book | Choose a spelling activity to do on my words. Complete a dragon maths book page. Superclubsplus Read for 15 minutes and write my reading into my home learning book | Play my Home learning Maths game with Mum or Dad. Use to practise my spelling words Read for 15 minutes and write my into my home learning reading book | Own choice. Have Mum or Dad test me on my words and mark the ones I got correct in my home learning book. Superclubsplus Read for 15 minutes and write my reading into my home learning book |
Websites to enhance Learning - you can create lists for your child to practise their words here using those within their home learning book - information centre, then links and scroll down to find the student sites
- also explore the family’s section on this site – the family games are the ones we have at school all made up for you to use at home. - the social networking site – children must have permission from you to get a log in from the school. We use this site at school too. Please ask your child to bring a permission form home from school if they did not participate in this in 2009 or have not returned a permission form in 2010.
Home learning is so much more than what the school makes available. We are very happy for children to bring projects and interests from home to share.
We encourage you to work a system where home learning more formal activities are completed independently as much as possible with you being available for support and reflection.
If your child enjoys doing research, please touch base with your classroom teacher as we have some guidelines for this.
If home learning is causing concerns for you or your child please do come in and see us about it.
Lastly within our Frankley website there is now a spot for each class. Teachers will endeavour to have a small section on home learning with messages for students and you –
Thanking you
Te Ranagatahi Teachers
Lastly – a link to a recent radio discussion on home learning.,_Sunday_16_May_Homework-048.mp3
Click here to play a measuring weight activity
Try some of these money activities
8.06 Hi all - this is the Maths site I showed you today - scroll down and find the sort of thing you need to bbe practising, if you are not sure come and see me and I can make some suggestions. Hexagons - order of operations would be good, pentagons - try all the fraction activities. Squares and Circles - try the add/sub or mult/div.
Goood Luck - let me know how you find the activities.
Click here