I was so nervous it was the night of the production well the panto pandemonium the name is. I shouldn’t of been nervous the cast should of well they were.
Baddies, cow boys, fairies lots of pretty little costumes that the other classes wore but me my class room 11 was baddies. Everything on us was black yes I said it black! We even had to have black paint unlike room 10. The girls got to wear pretty white clothes and the most beautiful eye makeup. Before the show we waited in the small theatre royal it was just a stage and lots of seats nothing like the big stage and theatre we were going to dance on the TSB show place where we are dancing. On the first night my grandma. Granddad and great grandma was coming.
This is it we were walking up to the stage. We had to be dead quiet because mikes were on and the audience could hear everything we could say. When we got on the hard rock seats we started the groaning, then the room 5 music started. In my tummy the butterflies’ cage opened they flew out but on our dance they started to dance as well inside my tummy. It was so exciting seeing the dances and the costumes and of course performing in front of an audience!
After our dance when we went back on our seats the groaning started. We knew what it would be like because we rehearsed it at school like 10 times. The seats were concrete rock and on the second night worse of all me and Aimee got moved down to the 3rd to bottom row witch was like being on the bottom row. Me and my friends were so annoyed that we didn’t get the part, I was in the finals for audiences but I was away on the audience day. But at lest we had fun and we got to do the show.
This was my last production for me and all my year 5 and 6 friends well at lest we enjoyed it. Still lots more audiences for next time!
By Phoebe