Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Roneta's Maths 23.11.11`
If 1/3 of an amount is 8, what is the whole amount? the anwser is 24.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Roneta's Maths progress 19.11.11
Jake had 30 balloons. If he gave 2/3's of the balloons to room 1 to make juggling balls , how many would he have left??
He will give 20 ballons to Room 1 and would have 10 ballons left for himself
Jake had 30 balloons. If he gave 2/3's of the balloons to room 1 to make juggling balls , how many would he have left??
He will give 20 ballons to Room 1 and would have 10 ballons left for himself
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My Maths-Hunter
1 third of 9= 3
how I worked it out......take 1 third off 9
how I worked it out......take 1 third off 9
My maths-Liam
1 third of 36= Answer:12
how I worked it out.......3 divided by 36 is 12
how I worked it out.......3 divided by 36 is 12
kacias math
3/4 of 36=27
9 times 4=36
9 times 4=36
Jordyns maths
1/3 OF 9
put 9 into 3 groups the anser is =3
1/3 OF 9
put 9 into 3 groups the anser is =3
Kenzie maths
1/3 of 9 = 3
count up to 9 in 3 and take 1/3 away
count up to 9 in 3 and take 1/3 away
antons maths 15.11.11
3/4of 37=27
calebs maths 15.11.11
3\4 of 36=27
Roneta's Maths 15.11.11
3/4 of 36= 27
I put 36 into 4 groups. There will be 9 in each group so 3/4 is 27
3/4 of 36= 27
I put 36 into 4 groups. There will be 9 in each group so 3/4 is 27
Monday, November 14, 2011
How to juggle?
For our carnival art we made juggling balls. These photos and clips show us making them and how to juggle.
Caleb's Maths 14.11.11
Finding 2/3's of 21.
14 One third is 7 so 2/3s is 14.
14 One third is 7 so 2/3s is 14.
Roneta's Maths 14.11.11
Today I am working out 2/3 0f 21=14
I put 21 into 3 groups which is 7 in each group so 2/3 of 21 will be 14 because it is 2 of the 3 groups and there is 7 in each group and 7+7= 14.
Today I am working out 2/3 0f 21=14
I put 21 into 3 groups which is 7 in each group so 2/3 of 21 will be 14 because it is 2 of the 3 groups and there is 7 in each group and 7+7= 14.
Liam's Maths
Today I am working out 2/3 of 21
FIrst we put 21 into thirds which is three groups of 7, so one third is 7, so 2/3s is 14
FIrst we put 21 into thirds which is three groups of 7, so one third is 7, so 2/3s is 14
Jake's Maths - 14.11.11
This is how I solve 2/3 of 21=14
i put 21 into 3 grops so 2\3. there is 7 in each group so 7+7= 14. The anwser is 14
this is how I solve 3\4 of 36=
This is how I solve 2/3 of 21=14
i put 21 into 3 grops so 2\3. there is 7 in each group so 7+7= 14. The anwser is 14
this is how I solve 3\4 of 36=
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Let's Go - Learning about tools and strategies to help us when we bike on the road
Here are a few photos - have a look and think about the hats and write down some thoughts on the week's activities.
Go to this wallwisher to leave your comment
Let's Go Bike Activity Week
That Naughty Rat
What are we going to de with Cream!! She bit Stephen after school today - if she keeps biting I think we will have to buy her a new home!! Sad but we can't have an unhappy pet.
Mrs McA
Mrs McA
Friday, November 4, 2011
Use the wallwisher to write on a sticky about the success of our Product Inquiry. What did you enjoy? What did you find difficult or challenging? How should we spend our money?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Guess what?????!!!!
2nd Day with us

Today is Peaches and Cream's 2nd day with us and they are getting a bit curious peaches is climbing and cream is sniffing [they still like it]
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Peaches and Cream our pet rats
get out of my cage

Get out of my cage says cream this is my sister and my territory and she will bite you some classmates of mine had this expeiriance!
What Now?
Peaches and Cream our pet rats
Peaches and Cream settling in.

Here is Peaches and Cream settling into there new home and they enjoy it very much!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if you could guess what one is Peaches and what one is cream Hmmmmm
Hint:I could spot it at first sight!

Peaches and Cream our pet rats
Our new class pets.......RATS!!!!!!!

these are our new class pet Rats their names are peaches and cream we rescued them from the SPCA peaches is the one with the orange tinge to herself and cream well lets just say she is the colour of cream they are both sisters and are very cruizy
have a look at so more pics of Peaches and Cream on this page!
Peaches and Cream our pet rats
Report on production Wrote by Phoebe
I was so nervous it was the night of the production well the panto pandemonium the name is. I shouldn’t of been nervous the cast should of well they were.
Baddies, cow boys, fairies lots of pretty little costumes that the other classes wore but me my class room 11 was baddies. Everything on us was black yes I said it black! We even had to have black paint unlike room 10. The girls got to wear pretty white clothes and the most beautiful eye makeup. Before the show we waited in the small theatre royal it was just a stage and lots of seats nothing like the big stage and theatre we were going to dance on the TSB show place where we are dancing. On the first night my grandma. Granddad and great grandma was coming.
This is it we were walking up to the stage. We had to be dead quiet because mikes were on and the audience could hear everything we could say. When we got on the hard rock seats we started the groaning, then the room 5 music started. In my tummy the butterflies’ cage opened they flew out but on our dance they started to dance as well inside my tummy. It was so exciting seeing the dances and the costumes and of course performing in front of an audience!
After our dance when we went back on our seats the groaning started. We knew what it would be like because we rehearsed it at school like 10 times. The seats were concrete rock and on the second night worse of all me and Aimee got moved down to the 3rd to bottom row witch was like being on the bottom row. Me and my friends were so annoyed that we didn’t get the part, I was in the finals for audiences but I was away on the audience day. But at lest we had fun and we got to do the show.
This was my last production for me and all my year 5 and 6 friends well at lest we enjoyed it. Still lots more audiences for next time!
By Phoebe
Baddies, cow boys, fairies lots of pretty little costumes that the other classes wore but me my class room 11 was baddies. Everything on us was black yes I said it black! We even had to have black paint unlike room 10. The girls got to wear pretty white clothes and the most beautiful eye makeup. Before the show we waited in the small theatre royal it was just a stage and lots of seats nothing like the big stage and theatre we were going to dance on the TSB show place where we are dancing. On the first night my grandma. Granddad and great grandma was coming.
This is it we were walking up to the stage. We had to be dead quiet because mikes were on and the audience could hear everything we could say. When we got on the hard rock seats we started the groaning, then the room 5 music started. In my tummy the butterflies’ cage opened they flew out but on our dance they started to dance as well inside my tummy. It was so exciting seeing the dances and the costumes and of course performing in front of an audience!
After our dance when we went back on our seats the groaning started. We knew what it would be like because we rehearsed it at school like 10 times. The seats were concrete rock and on the second night worse of all me and Aimee got moved down to the 3rd to bottom row witch was like being on the bottom row. Me and my friends were so annoyed that we didn’t get the part, I was in the finals for audiences but I was away on the audience day. But at lest we had fun and we got to do the show.
This was my last production for me and all my year 5 and 6 friends well at lest we enjoyed it. Still lots more audiences for next time!
By Phoebe
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Jak's Braids - Jordyn
Reporter Jordyn
Last night Farmers let out their new product-Braids off the shelves. They had hundreds of people waiting, little ones sneaking into line just so they wouldn’t be last in line.
The braids can suit anybody. People with short hair and long, if you have three favourite colours Farmers is the place to go. You can choose your right colours that suit you.
Also they are the cheapest thing out. They are only $1.00-$1.50
The makers are Jordyn who is nine years old, Amy who is ten years old and Kate who is nine years old too.
Bustling Crowds - Amy
After weeks and weeks of waiting a new shop in centre city has opened up. The FUNKY new shop is called JAK’S braiding store. They sell all sorts of FUNKY, colourful braids and the great thing about them is they are only $2.00 each. JAK’S are stationed on 27 Devon street east. The braids are very new and exciting.
After weeks and weeks of waiting a new shop in centre city has opened up. The FUNKY new shop is called JAK’S braiding store. They sell all sorts of FUNKY, colourful braids and the great thing about them is they are only $2.00 each. JAK’S are stationed on 27 Devon street east. The braids are very new and exciting.
The young and talented designers and makers are: Kate , Amy and Jordyn . Their workshop is very organised and tidy.
They are made with the highest quality wool of New Zealand and finest beads of India. They plait the wool and attach the beads in the most peculiar patterns. But the braids only work with the special expensive wool and beads.
Emily the shop keeper said, “We have had to stay open 24/7 lately to get all the new deliveries”.
The product is suitable for kids aged 5 years up. Don’t let toddlers get at it otherwise they will choke on the beads or swallow the wool. They are all different colours, shapes and sizes.
Buy your braids today at Frankley School.
Bookmarks! Reported by Anton
The finally of the wait was made the countdown was hit no one could wait to buy the new bookmarks. The day the next morning was too good to be true! The line made Mt Everest look small every one was waiting for this once in a lifetime moment people slept out side of the store just to get first in line. Every one was waiting for the magic words go go go!
You can find the designers at Room11 Frankley school New Plymouth New Zealand/ Aotearoa. With your help we can believe in our selves again and make a profit as well.
These awesome bookmarks are priced at $1.00 a reasonable price. Because the bookmarks are computer made the chosen themes were Star wars, Halo and cute animals the people’s choice was Sport, Transformers, Surfing and elements. The designers gave the survey to 32 people to find out the preferred data. The most voted theme was Star wars (My favourite) with 11 votes. The pictures on the bookmarks are computer generated.
The bookmarks were looking great they were just the right size they were about 5.6 inches. The fine print was divine no one knew what
What font they used most people in the world would come to Frankley school just to buy a bookmark because the bookmarks were so great that as soon as you use one you might faint. The idea of making these products one of the other groups made bookmarks to there group is best of best they made hand painted bookmarks the other groups in the class are making Sherbet, teddy bears, scarfs, Crayons and pen and pencil holders. The inspiration came from Mrs McA a very good teacher and inspiration. Most people went for bookmarks than the other groups because computer genius Anton R was starting the group with a bang that’s is Why the bookmarks are so good and life like.
An Amazing Creation
An Amazing Creation Created
Caitlin Reports:
Yesterday at Farmers, the popular shop launched a new product that is expected to boost their profits by millions.
These amazing new Multi Coloured Crayons are flinging off the shelves as fast as lighting.
These newly released crayons are non- toxic and are value for money as they draw in many different colours and are made from 100% recycled crayons.
How they make them well that’s a secret.
Come down to Farmers if you love art or know someone that does because these are selling out fast!!! Hurry in this won’t last forever!!!
Prime minster john Key said, “my granddaughters love them, they’re amazing!!!’
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Liam's Great Maths Progress
This is how I work out 4x35=140 (4x30=120) + (4x5=20)
This is how I work out 3x39 (3x40=120) -3 =117
51 divide a by 3
well first i split 51 into 30 because ten 3's go into thirty, that leaves 21, so I can get 7 3's from 21, that means from 51 I can get 17 3's.
today i am solving 57 divided by 3 first i split them into two groups 30 and 27 - then I work out how many threes are in each of these and join them together.
This is how I work out 3x39 (3x40=120) -3 =117
51 divide a by 3
well first i split 51 into 30 because ten 3's go into thirty, that leaves 21, so I can get 7 3's from 21, that means from 51 I can get 17 3's.
today i am solving 57 divided by 3 first i split them into two groups 30 and 27 - then I work out how many threes are in each of these and join them together.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Liams divided a by
today i am solving 57 divided by 3 first i split them into two groups 30 and 27 - then I work out how many threes are in each of these and join them together.
Flight from Ledron
This is our reading task from flight from Ledron. We had to take lots of photos and in each photo move everything a little bit more each time. Then we put it onto movie maker and added a title and credits.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Woo hoo - did we get that feeling today when we sold our products?
Hi everyone
Today we sold our products to see if we could make a profit and we did! We have talked about the woo hoo feeling when you do something and you just feel so happy and proud and I think we achieved that today - as with everything there are a few things we could improve on if we did it again but mostly I thought we all did a good job. What do you think? Mrs McA
Use the thinking hats to help you explain your thoughts
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Tommorow I am looking forward to .... / Kate
Tomorrow I am looking foward to .... Having a very relaxing weekend with my family. And playing with all my friends and just having a good weekend at home. And of coarse just having fun with my friends. I am going to have a great weekend.
Also have a great weekend and remember to have alot of FUN!!!!!!
See you.
Room 11/Hunter
Also have a great weekend and remember to have alot of FUN!!!!!!
See you.
Room 11/Hunter
Tomorrow I am looking forward to.....-Hunter
Tommorow I am looking forward to......Tomorow I am looking forward to having a great time with all my friends, Having new experiances, relaxing and MOST OF ALL PLAYING ON MY NINTENDO DSI!!!![because its the weekend dont you know]Oh and seeing some of my BEST friends!
What fun are YOU going to have?
Have a great weekend From,
Room 11/Hunter.
What fun are YOU going to have?
Have a great weekend From,
Room 11/Hunter.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to. . .-Phoebe
Tomorrow I am looking forward to playing hockey & going to a restrunt to say goodbye to my auntie & auncle because they are moving to Australia. & playing with my new toy I am going to buy! So thats what I am looking foward to!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Room 11 - Cross Country - going up the hill
Thanks to Finlay B and his helper for making this animoto. In the comments you might like to write a comment on well you did or complete a little PMI - How successful was the Frankley School Cross Country for our students?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Ceilidhs maths
I am learning division like fiftyone divided by three first I broke fifty one into 2 groups a group of 30 and a group of 21 then I worked out how many 3s in 30 that is 10 then I worked out how many threes in 21 that is 7so add them together and that is 17
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Happy Birthday to Mrs Cameron
Hi all
It is Mrs Cameron's birthday on Friday. Do you know how old she will be? I think it is an odd number and between 40 and 70. Look here for more clues tomorrow.
Hi all, no comments yet - what if we told you it is between half of 140 and 120 ????? Leave a comment
It is Mrs Cameron's birthday on Friday. Do you know how old she will be? I think it is an odd number and between 40 and 70. Look here for more clues tomorrow.
Hi all, no comments yet - what if we told you it is between half of 140 and 120 ????? Leave a comment
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Click here to see what we are selling for our class inquiry
The Knitters - Talia/Arron and Roneta
Cute and Quirky - Crayons
Pen Holders
Sherbet with a Lollipop
Teddy Bears
Sherbet - Jack, William and Finlay
Bob The Blobs
The Other Sherbet group - Liam, Jake, Ben and Finlay B
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